Code by Anonymann Roadrunner on the evil song Wikipedia's articles, IBM Roadrunner: IBM Sequoia: "Eye
of Providence": Great Seal
of the United States: Cluster computing: Scalability: Punched card:
How the Pet
Microchip Works: Verichip
RFID («Truth Exposed» Website): Roadrunner
(Top500 Website): IBM's Patent
Application, IBM: Open
Source's Friend? Not So Much Now: Scalability
Issues in Cluster Computing Operating Systems (technical info):
The Hollerith
Machine: «IBM
and the Holocaust» (a book by Edwin Black, official website): Black's book
review by Cartsten Keil: IBM's reply
to Edwin Black's book:
Commercial - The Future Market: Roadrunner
Supercomputer Breaks the Petaflop Barrier: RFID-Chip
= totale Versklavung ("total enslavement"): |