by Fab
and Dubman
(8/Nov/2008 )
Death is in the movement
of My Angels.

is Dubman's matrix with the extended
Death is in the movement of My angels (or of the angels of God)
For/to us (a/the) visitation, and we caused to fall off/drop off (or
and we will deceive/arouse false hopes)
(The) Light you shall not fear. My signs are coming/shall come (spelled
in reverse)
The sighting approaches/draws near
Interestingly, two of the occurrences of "My angels (or angels of God)"
(the one in the main term included) share a letter with a verse from
Hebrews 1:13-14: "But to which of the angels
said He at any time, 'Sit on My right hand, until I make Your
enemies Your footstool?' Are they not all spirits?..." and one of them
shares the same kaf with the literal mention of angels. This matrix
was found in the Aramaic NT by Dubman.