The meaning of the flag.

Code by Fab (21/June/2009)

The global crisis is a conspiracy, we will be threatened.


Found in the Tanakh using the expression "global crisis". 63 occurrences were expected statistically, and 62 were found.

The seventh minimal skip was extendable to "alas! The global crisis was financed".

The fourth minimal skip of the same expression could be extended to "(the) iniquities of the proud/lofty, are in the global crisis of the cult"  

A second code was also found in the Tanakh using the expression "the global crisis is a conspiracy", and a wrapped search. 0 occurrences were expected statistically, and 1 was found. It could be extended to "the global crisis is a conspiracy, we will be threatened". There are several interesting verses from the surface going through this term).  






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