by L0rd Kyr0N
9th Sept 2005; committed a crime of blood, for this he will fire.

to Robert Wade for providing the alternative "fire" translation
which fits the story of Michael "Brownie" Brown, head of
FEMA, being taken off the New Orleans rescue management.
Public Radio September 9th, 2005
FEMA Director Mike Brown says he doesn't know why he's been removed
from onsite command of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. He tells the
Associated Press the decision was made by Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff. Brown also denies charges he padded his resume. He
says the White House and FEMA made mistakes in describing two of his
past jobs. Brown says the story's not about him. Rather it's about the
worst disaster in the country's history. He says he's going home to
Washington where he'll walk his dog, hug his wife, maybe get a good
Mexican meal, a stiff margarita and a full night's sleep. Then he says
he plans to go back to FEMA and continue to help the hurricane victims.