Code by Fab

The Shroud of Turin is spiritual.


Legend :

From the left, green letters, skip : - 14 066 : "Eternal God, I AM !"

Second from the left, 2 terms, first one at the bottom, skip : - 14 066 : "My smoother image !", second one at the top, "image of suffering !"

On the right-hand side:
1) Main vertical term, lilac letters, skip : - 14 066 : "The shroud of Turin is spiritual (of origin) !"

2) Horizontal term, brown letters, skip : - 1 : "Belongs to the Lamb of God !" The last 3 letters of this term are same as the last 3 letters of the expression "I AM !" in verse 14 of the third chapter in the book of Exodus... ! This is God speaking of Himself. Jesus also said that : John 8:58 "Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham came into being, I AM !" Quite interesting...

3) Horizontal term, green letters, skip : + 1 : "To consecrate"

4) Vertical term, far right column, blue letters, skip : - 14 066 : "Yah (God) and the son of the mist (beginnings) gather (the fruit) he longed for !"

5) Vertical term, second column from the right, orange letters, skip : - 14 066 : "From the ancient name for him, El (God) !"

6) Vertical term, 3rd column from the right, purple letters, skip : - 14 066 : "Fate of the Lamb or time/occurrence !"

7) Vertical term, 9th column from right, blue letters, skip : - 14 066 : "A tribe of salty ones belonging to/designated for God !"

8) Diagonal term, 12 letters, pink letters, skip : - 14 065 : "From the light, Yah (God) will teach/show the imprint/sign/mark of three...!"
The first letter (tet) of the term is found in the word "despised" in the expression "you have despised the LORD which is among you..." in Numbers 11:20 Could it be also a reference to the tridimensional aspect of the image on the shroud... ?

9) Second diagonal term, 10 letters, green letters, skip : - 14 065 : "A poor son will accept/bear/deliver to God (or to me) !"



Another theory is that the image on the shroud is that of Jacques de Molay the head of the Knights Templar who may have been crucified as part of his torture by the inquisition and sent home wrapped in the shroud. This also fits with the carbon dating which suggests the cloth was made around the year 1300 AD

Code by Andy - Skip 14,066 Genesis 1- Numbers 35




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